Top HR Challenges in the Philippines and How to Face Them
8 July 2019
HR challenges are very common in a company. These challenges are consist of different and very broad areas. HR or Human Resource Management is critical and has a big role in every organization. Of course, as HR, you are responsible for the welfare, efficiency, and engagement of the whole employees.
Get rid of the challenges you’re currently facing in your organization so that you could help the company and the rest of the other departments to be more effective, efficient and motivated at work.
1. Teamwork

Teamwork is the very basic foundation of being an efficient organization. As an HR professional, you are responsible for improving it but the main challenge of course, especially for larger organizations, is encouraging different departments to work as one team.
In a realistic point of view, each department has different roles and KPIs or Key Performance Indicator. Their first priority is, of course, to meet what is expected from their department. Because of this, many departments neglect to work together as a team rather than being support centers for the rest of the departments.
How to face it:
You can propose and set up a KPI that aims to improve the support of other departments to each other so department heads and their bottom lines are encouraged to be more supportive with the needs of other departments. Company events, town hall meetings, and team building activities are also great add-ons.
2. Employee Retention

Employee retention is a big problem especially with high competing industries such as BPO where employees are hopping with one company to another in no sweat. Younger employees tend to shift companies more frequently compared to older generations. In fact, Gallup coined millennials as 'The Job-Hopping Generation'.They are also considered as the least engaged generation in the workforce.
How to face it:
Develop projects that aim to improve employee engagement. You have to assure that you avoid dull seasons and maintain an exciting environment for all. People leave because of their managers and not the company after all. Try to empower and influence the line managers to get more involved and engaged with their bottom lines in a day to day basis.
3. Late pay

One of the major sources of employee dissatisfaction is payroll delay or inaccurate payroll computation. Imagine the frustration when an employee fails to pay a bill because he didn't receive his salary on time. While other employees didn't receive the salary that they expected due to salary disputes. The major factor for salary disputes is the manual computation of the payroll which is very prone to human error. Employees are expecting HR to be very proactive with this and extra careful. After all, employees mainly work to earn a living.
How to face it:
Maximize technology. Instead of outsourcing your payroll computation or doing it on your own, use automated payroll systems. These systems will let you remove all the human errors and make your payroll smooth, easy and 100% accurate.
4. Bad workplace culture

Gossips, negativity, back fighting, demotivated employees and lack of passion towards work. -These are some of the early signs of bad workplace culture and most commonly seen in companies who are just starting due to lack of structure. These factors may affect and contribute not only with the overall morale of the whole organization but as well as the productivity of employees.
How to face it:
Firstly, you have to empower your line managers to keep close ties and a good relationship with their staff. You can provide training for your line managers on areas of good leadership, building positivity and how to properly coach their people. As HR, you don't also want to encourage gossips and negativity in the work environment.
5. Recruitment

Finding talents is one of the most important KPIs of the HRs. If not done well and efficient, the hiring process takes so much time or many employees does not fit with their job. The bad hiring process will surely lead to financial losses, low productivity, and a bad working environment.
How to face it:
Make sure that you know what people are exactly needed in the organization and in each team and listen to their feedback with regard to the applicants you already recommended. It is also important not only to focus on skills but as well as the character of the applicant. Talk to the hiring managers and listen to what kind of character they need so newly hired can easily blend in and will work in harmony.